I've made it to day 4. Woot! This evening, we were enjoying the cooler weather after a week in the 100s. Thanks to a front coming in, it was only like 90 this evening. Bryson was really enjoying the time outdoors, as were the rest of us.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
POTD - Day 3
A very happy Mikayla for you. Normally, at this time of the morning, Mikayla is NOT happy. This morning, she got to play with her goo. We made goo the evening before. How do you make goo you ask. Why.. let me tell you!
First - take a roll of toilet paper. The cheap stuff. Don't waste the Charmin on this folks.
Second - Have child rip toilet paper to shreds and deposit it in a large rubbermaid.
Third - Grate a little bit of soap over the top of the toilet paper.
Fourth - Get a spray bottle. Fill with water and add a bit of food coloring. Spray paper. Really turn it around and get it good and wet.
Fifth - Squish everything around. REALLY REALLY squish it. You might need to add a bit more water. The more you squish, the more fun it gets.
Then, parents, just sit back and watch your kids have fun. If you're a really awesome parent, you'll let the kid do ALL of the above steps while you just sit and watch.
This project kept Bryson busy for TWO HOURS the first day. That's a record. He only sleeps for longer than that!
photo of the Day - Day 1
I'm starting a new blog challenge. Namely.. post a photo a day. Sometimes you'll get lucky and have a story too. Sometimes, it'll just be the picture. Enjoy!
Look a Squeaky clean baby!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Vacation Bible School
Mikayla has a weird little rash, but no other symptoms. Lots of tiny little bug bite looking bumps. Weird, I tell ya. She says they don't itch and they haven't spread since they first showed up. I can't think of anything new she might be reacting to, so I'm just going to say it's a mystery.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
It's been a LONG time!
My mother-in-law, Sally, lost her battle with cancer on the morning of April 29th. We went to see her the night before and are very glad we got one last chance to sit by her bed and let her know we loved her. Everyone is coping very well. I think in part due to the fact that we had already come to terms with the fact we were going to lose her. Her memorial service was very moving and exactly what she would have wanted.
Mikayla has finished her first year of school. She is a kindergarten graduate and will move to first grade in the fall. She already misses school, her friends, and most of all her teacher, Mrs. B.
Bryson is still the loving, trouble-making 3.5 year old he was 4 months ago. He'll come up to us and give us kisses and hugs and let us know he misses us. He is constantly coming up with new things that make us laugh.
David has EIGHT teeth now. Four came in in one week. He is also in the process of cutting 4 more. Four at a time seems to be his normal. He is army crawling around the house. His giggle is more like a cough than a laugh. David saves ALL of his talking for after the big kids go to bed. His favorite crawling target is the cat. Of course, the cat is a moving target and he rarely actually reaches her! David refuses to eat real food, baby food, or anything other than my milk. He refuses cups, sippies, straws, bottles, spoons, syringes. Basically unless it comes straight from me, he's not having it. It's starting to get a bit frustrating, but I'm hopeful that soon, he'll figure it out!
I am enjoying, for the most part, being my kids' mom. Working to keep the house from looking like a disaster zone. I've started knitting even more. Hardly a week goes by that I don't finish something knitted--shorts, diaper covers, dish cloths, coffee cozies.
Brad is working away. Plugging along babysitting adults. Well, not really, but basically, that's what he does!
Blogs I read
September in Our Home5 years ago
We Moved!!!13 years ago
Picture Time Picture Time15 years ago
Time For a Move!14 years ago
All Parent Blogs in One Place!8 years ago
jonah rockin' the xylophone6 years ago
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